
For the other sections of this manual, please see:

3.1. Overview of Responsibilities
3.2. Host Church Workshop Coordinator
3.3. Instructors and Small Group Leaders
3.4. Promotional Strategies
3.5. Participant Notebook and Materials
3.6. Facilities
3.7. Audio/Visual
3.8. Accommodations
3.9. Meals and Refreshments
3.10. Registration
3.11. Book Table
3.12. Pre-Workshop
3.13. Musical Worship
3.14 Translation

This section of the manual is a general list that outlines most of the costs and administrative duties associated with the Workshop and how we typically share them with a host church. We recognize that hosting a Workshop is a commitment not only of time, but financial resources as well for the host church. We hope it is an investment that proves to be worthwhile.

Before we get into the details, you should know our basic philosophy: We are not in this business to profit, but rather because we truly believe that recovering the Word of God for the church by encouraging and equipping pastors and Bible teachers to preach expositionally is important. In fact, it is the vision for our entire organization. We are a non-profit charitable ministry. We have never made any money on the Workshops and do not intend to. We raise money to support our costs. We hope that you, as a host church, will join us as a partner in this work of ministry. At the same time, we hope to keep the costs to a minimum. International hosts are allowed, as needed, to charge a modest registration fee to offset some of their expenses.

A typical breakdown of how the costs are shared follows:

Charles Simeon Trust

  • travel expenses for guest instructors (e.g., flights, transportation, food)
  • lodging accommodations for guest instructors

Host Church

  • promotion to local pastors and Bible teachers (one-on-one meetings, phone calls, denominational meetings)
  • participant notebook and name tag for each participant
  • possibly transportation for instructors during the Workshop
  • secure and arrange facilities (for large groups, small groups, meals, and audio/visual needs)
  • meals and refreshments
  • leader for musical worship portions of schedule
  • host church coordinator (see below)

In order to ensure that the many aspects of hosting a Workshop on Biblical Exposition are handled efficiently, it is essential to have an onsite Workshop Coordinator. The Coordinator will be responsible for working with a representative of the CST. While the Workshop Coordinator does not, and cannot, perform all the necessary tasks, it is the Workshop Coordinator’s responsibility that all tasks are completed. Accordingly, it is best to delegate some tasks to other people. We recommend the following categories:

  • onsite Workshop Coordinator
  • facilities and equipment coordinator
  • registrar who also coordinates text assignments
  • audio/visual
  • music
  • onsite food coordinator
  • onsite check-in person

The instructors at a Workshop are extraordinarily important to the work of the Charles Simeon Trust (CST). While the CST will occasionally bring a notable international preacher to speak at Workshops, we are equally committed to developing a team of preachers and Bible teachers to travel to and lead the Workshops. It should be noted that we require all instructors and small group leaders at the Workshops to agree to our doctrinal statement.

Charles Simeon Trust

  • Secure the guest instructors for the Workshop.
  • Consult with the host church concerning preferences for the guest instructors’ accommodations.
  • Arrange and pay for the travel expenses of the instructors to the Workshop.
  • Communicate the travel itineraries of the guest instructors to the host church.
  • Pay for the guest instructors’ accommodations.

Host Church

  • In consultation with the CST, the host pastor, and applicable staff should confirm speaking schedule.
  • You may be asked to arrange to pick up and welcome the instructors from the airport. You may also be responsible to provide transportation for the instructors during the Workshop. If the guest instructors prefer to rent a car, the CST will cover the cost.

Small Group Leaders
The small group sessions are the most important aspect of the whole Workshop. The CST takes choosing and training the small group leaders very seriously. In fact, we consider a combination of preaching experience and experience in our Workshops as well as the number of times they have served as an apprentice leader in choosing. Both small group leaders and apprentice leaders are required to attend the pre-Workshop. For more information, please consult our small group leaders selection guidelines.

Host Church

  • In conjunction with the CST, select, invite, and affirm small group leaders.
  • In conjunction with the CST, select, invite, and affirm small group apprentice leaders.

The best advertisement is word of mouth and personal interaction. The host pastor(s) and other designees should try to speak with as many other pastors in person as possible as well as place strategic phone calls to local pastors. The first group contacted should be any pastors who have previously attended Workshops. In most cases, the CST website will also advertise the Workshop and can be linked to your registration form (if applicable) The promotional efforts should be made in conversation with the CST as we may be able assist in some of the planning.

Charles Simeon Trust

  • Consults with host church on promotional strategy
  • Provides design files to host church if requested (logos, fonts, graphics, etc)

Host Church

  • Assemble a list of pastors/Bible teachers to be invited directly via mail or email.
  • Use social media, websites, and other online platforms to reach a broader audience.
  • It is important that participants who have attended previous Workshops be contacted early in the process. Encourage them to invite fellow pastors/Bible teachers.
  • The host pastor should begin making phone calls and setting up personal appointments at least three to four months before the Workshop.
  • It can also be helpful to have the host pastor mention the Workshop at denominational meetings or other gatherings of pastors/Bible teachers.
  • One to two months prior to the Workshop, the host pastor and his staff should follow up with phone calls to get more registrations.
  • One month before the Workshop, additional promotion should encourage participants to register before the registration price increases.

The participant notebook is intended to be the onsite guide for participants. It should include general information for the participants such as a schedule, instructor information, and paper for notes. Some instructors might provide outlines for their talks. These will be provided to the host church by CST. Name tags should be distributed with the notebook at registration. It is also good to make available information about local attractions such as restaurants. Giveaway books or Bibles can also be distributed with the notebooks and name tags.

The host church should design and compile a notebook for all participants. Many of the needed files are provided on our Downloads page. Additional design files and elements as well as some examples are also found there. A complete list of documents required for the notebook can be found in the Host Church Checklist.

Please note: our privacy policy does not allow participants’ contact information to be shared in the participant notebooks.

Name Tags
Because the plenary sessions are very interactive, name tags are really important. It will take a couple days for the instructors to learn the names of the people who are not in their small groups. As such, durable name tags are preferred. The adhesive label type of name tag wears off too quickly and the participants will stop wearing them too soon.

The Workshops on Biblical Exposition generally require a few different rooms. First, a larger room where plenary sessions can be held for the full array of participants is required. Several smaller rooms for the small groups are also necessary. Finally, a room for meals and refreshments will be needed (this can be the same room used for the plenary sessions).

Host Church
Please consider the following when deciding upon rooms:

  • The proper number of small group classrooms to seat each group of participants around tables is necessary. The number of classrooms depends on actual number of registrations.
  • The classrooms should be big enough to accommodate two tables placed together to form a square (or a single circular table) and chairs for seven to nine people and not feel overly crowed in order that they can move around freely.
  • The classrooms must have a whiteboard.
  • For the plenary sessions, one large room that meets the audio/visual guidelines and is sufficient to seat all of the participants is needed.
  • For the plenary sessions, there should be a pulpit or lectern, microphone (headset or lapel style preferred), and a digital presentation display.
  • Area for refreshments/meals
  • The eating area needs to be big enough to hold tables for the refreshment breaks and meals, as well as tables for the participants.
  • registration table

Equipment for the Classrooms

  • tables in each classroom for roundtable-style seating and enough chairs
  • whiteboard or chalkboard for each classroom
  • proper dry erase markers or chalk and eraser
  • signs on or near the door of each room with the small group leader’s name

Equipment for the Plenary Sessions

  • lectern or pulpit
  • microphones
  • equipment to project an iPad onto a screen (hardwiring, Apple TV, etc), or a whiteboard or chalkboard
  • proper dry erase markers or chalk and eraser (if using)
  • chairs for the participants (tables also preferred)

 Equipment for Other Areas

  • tables to hold the refreshments and meals in the eating area
  • tables and chairs for the participants in the eating area
  • appropriate number of tables needed for registration

Host churches are expected to provide microphones for the speaker (headset or lapel are preferred, but not required) as well as for others who will make announcements throughout the Workshop (so a handheld microphone should be available as well).

Check with your CST representative about powerpoints or videos that should be shown during the Workshop

The participants are responsible for their own accommodations. At the same time, it is generally a good idea to make information available for participants traveling some distance to the Workshop. Some participants will prefer hotels while others may wish to stay with a host family from the church. Local dining information should also be made available as some participants may not be familiar with the area. Please remember, the CST will make the hotel arrangements for the instructors. 

The host church is the host. That may seem like a silly statement, but the overall experience of hospitality that the participants feel will be inevitably attached to the host. And so, as the host, what the hospitality looks like will and should completely depend on you—your style, your commitments, your creativity, your desire to be hospitable. Food and beverages for the Workshop need not be extravagant. A quick, simple meal will certainly suffice. Though, please have coffee and water available throughout the Workshop. Of course, there are an endless variety of ways to add on. From breakfast in the mornings, to snacks during the breaks, to lunches-to-go on the last day, there are plenty of extra opportunities for meals, snacks, and beverages. Meals can be catered, volunteers can be recruited to provide food, or food can be ordered in. We leave these decisions up to you.

Host Church

  • Establish a budget for the Workshop food and drinks that your church will cover.
  • Refreshments can be provided for the breaks throughout the Workshop and meals must be provided when scheduled (consult with the CST representative to determine where the meals fall in the schedule).
  • Provide a room or area for the breaks and meals. Have enough chairs and tables available for the participants to sit while eating meals.

A good beginning is very important for establishing the tone of the Workshop. A smooth communication scheme before the Workshop begins and an easy check-in are always a good start.

Host Church
The host church Workshop Coordinator is responsible arranging and managing registration. Where possible, we encourage hosts to use an online registration form, but we trust the host to know what is best in their context.  They then need to keep a close eye on all the registrations. At the Workshop, registration or check-in should begin one half-hour before the Workshop is scheduled to begin. Please have enough tables set up and people working so as to make the process go quickly.

Communication Before the Workshop

  • Regularly monitor incoming registrations.
  • In conversation with the CST representative, begin to compile the small group assignment list using the Small Group Assignment tab on your Workshop’s GoogleSheet (provided and set up for you by the CST representative).
  • After the CST representative approves text assignments, the host church will email these out to the participants. As new participants register after this point, you will want to respond with confirmation and assignments as soon as you can. The complete list of what should be sent is included in the Host Church checklist.

Instructions for Checking in Participants

  • Using the registration spreadsheet, confirm each person’s name and information as they register.
  • Give them a participant notebook and a name tag.
  • At the close of the Workshop, please notify the CST representative of the final registration, noting any no-shows or variances to the current list.

 Unfortunately, at this time, we are not able to provide book tables or giveaway books for Workshops outside of the United States and Canada.

Please note: Any and all exhibitors, including book tables, seminaries, publishers, and teaching resources must be approved in advance by the Charles Simeon Trust. We do not encourage exhibitors at Workshops. The focus and time constraints of the Workshops simply do not allow for outside organizations to occupy time or pull attention from the goals of the Workshop. These events aren’t conferences, but Workshops. As such, if an exhibitor is approved, it will be highly exceptional that they will be allowed to make a presentation during the Workshop.

The pre-Workshop is the training for the small group leaders and instructors, typically the day before the Workshop begins. It is one of the most important segments of the Workshop as it is the way we train the small group leaders for the important work of the small groups during the Workshop. Because we go through the small group texts in a compressed fashion, it is also an intense time. And so, it is important that the pre-Workshop runs smoothly. For planning purposes, there are three important aspects of the pre-Workshop. First, the attendance list of the pre-Workshop will need to be coordinated in conjunction with the CST. The list will include the Workshop instructors, the other small group leaders, the apprentice small group leaders, and possibly a few invited observers. Second, the schedule for the pre-Workshop will need to be set. For the men’s Workshops, it typically starts with lunch or right after lunch (depending on whether the host wants to provide lunch) and runs for five hours. For the women’s Workshops, it runs mid-morning to the afternoon (the host church providing lunch) with the actual Workshop beginning that evening. The specific schedule will be set by the CST in conjunction with the host. Third, the participant notebooks, name tags, and a few additional things will need to be printed and distributed to the group at the beginning of the pre-Workshop.

Pre-Workshop Materials

  • participant notebooks
  • name tags
  • pre-Workshop schedule
  • Small Group Leader Guide
  • blank sermon preparation worksheet

As part of most Workshop schedules, we include a song or two in musical worship each day. It can be as simple as a single piano or guitar. While we like to keep this aspect of the Workshop fairly informal, we want to hold to a high standard. As the Workshop coordinator, please convey these points to whomever is appointed to lead. We provide Musical Worship guidelines on our Downloads page.

The music leader can be a participant or a staff member or volunteer. They should take the lead during this part of the Workshop. Invite the participants to stand before singing, and to sit after singing. Tell them where they can find the song lyrics (e.g., on a PowerPoint overhead, on a printed sheet in their notebooks). Give direction as needed so participants know what to do. This isn’t their church, so they need direction from the music leader.

Length of Time and Volume
It is extremely important to pay attention to the time allotted for musical worship. It is typically no more than 15 minutes (which for most musicians, means they should be planning two songs for 10 minutes). It often falls at the beginning or end of the day or in between sessions, so the participants will be entering gradually and perhaps not on time. The priority should be beginning and ending at the right times, regardless of whether people seem ready. But it may also mean adapting—possibly doing one song instead of two songs on the fly because things get started a little late. The musical worship is meant to serve the participants, not the music leader. While we appreciate the preparation of the music leader, it is more important to keep the schedule on time and not have our instructors feel pressure to shorten their instructional talks because an ambitious music leader went long. Likewise, it is important that the music leader is set up early and completed whatever sound checks they need before the appointed time. Too often are the participants standing around when the beginning and end of the musical worship has come and gone and while the musicians are still plugging in their instruments and trying to get an appropriate volume. Additionally, appropriate volume is important to heed. For some musicians that are used to playing for churches of several hundred, a room of a few dozen requires some adaptation.

Song Selection
A few songs for a group of people in vocational ministry is not the time to experiment with new songs or practice really obscure ones. There is no faster way to make a group feel like they are not really understood or being led in worship than to confront them with songs that are unknown or hard to sing. As such, it will be good for the music leader to select songs that are very commonly known. It may not be as exciting for the musical leader, but it will be edifying for the participants and encouraging to everyone when the whole group is able to enthusiastically participate in the singing.

If the instructional sessions your Workshop will be translated, work with your CST Representative to provide the person doing translation with the following resources:

1. Expositional Preaching by David Helm in the local language (if available, see https://www.9marks.org/translations/ for a free PDF copy). This will give your translator accurate terms for the Workshop-specific language used in the instructional sessions.
2. Principles of Exposition (PDF, if available in local language).
3. Contact with the instructors via call or email to go over any specific ideas, illustrations, or words that may be challenging to translate.