
Preaching Prophetic Literature: Amos

Practical Instruction - Persuasive Preaching - Small Group Practice

June 17-19, 2025 | Yaoundé, Cameroon

What Is It?

The Workshops on Biblical Exposition is a 3-day training event aimed to encourage and equip you in the skills needed to read, understand, and proclaim the Word of God.


The Workshops on Biblical Exposition is a 3-day training event aimed to encourage and equip you in the skills needed to read, understand, and proclaim the Word of God. The Workshop includes times set aside for 1) Principles of Exposition (instructional sessions on how to better handle biblical texts), 2) Small Group Practice (when you will share and receive feedback on two passages you prepare in advance), and 3) Expositions (the opportunity to sit under the word). Each of these sessions is carefully designed to be interrelated for the greatest value in improving your work. In other words, this is a Workshop and not a conference. If you cannot be at all the sessions, then it really isn’t for you.

Who Should Attend?

The Workshops on Biblical Exposition are generally for people who are responsible for regularly preaching and teaching. We also welcome those in bi-vocational ministries as well as those training for ministry.


The Workshops on Biblical Exposition are generally for men who are responsible for regularly preaching and teaching. We also welcome those in bi-vocational ministries as well as those training for ministry. We also have Workshops for women who are responsible for teaching women.

Given our understanding of Scripture, most of our Workshops on Biblical Exposition are for men who are responsible for regularly opening up God’s Word for God’s people. Specifically, they are for those men currently in pastoral ministry and, as such, are responsible for preaching and teaching God’s Word in congregational settings. Though vocational preaching pastors are our priority, the Workshops are open to those in general teaching ministry: including some lay-preachers, teaching Elders, seminary students or professors, teaching missionaries, and those serving in similar roles. Again, our priority is those who regularly preach or teach from God’s Word.

I noticed you just said “men.” What if I am a woman?
We are fully committed to training women for ministry through our Workshops on Biblical Exposition for women. But we also have theological commitments as to what that means. The Charles Simeon Trust adheres to a position on church leadership that is often identified as “complementarian.” While we do not support the ordination of women for pulpit ministry, we do believe that women are called to teaching ministry for women in biblically appropriate settings and should be trained for it as such. It is our conviction that the Church in North America has been particularly slow in this kind of training effort, and as such, we need to do a better job of training women. Women need to be equipped for this task. While the local church should and will do much of this work, we believe that we can support the church in further enabling women. As such, we have established Workshops on Biblical Exposition for women in ministry. We believe that women who are working in ministry in churches need encouragement in their ministry and hope that, by encouraging women to participate in the Workshop for women in ministry, we can also establish a base for fellowship and encouragement. Knowing this, women who wish to attend a Workshop on Biblical Exposition, regardless of where they identify themselves on an egalitarian-complementarian spectrum, are welcome to participate in a Workshop for women in ministry. It is designed for women who are currently in a teaching ministry with the responsibility to teach the Bible regularly. It is open to women who lead in regular teaching ministries including large group instructors, small group teachers, and women’s and children’s ministry leaders appointed by their churches. Women who are interested in this Workshop or have questions about our position or philosophy on this matter are encouraged to contact the Director of Women’s Workshops, Colleen McFadden (

How Should I Prepare?

The most important aspect of a Workshop is the time in Small Groups. As such, it is essential that each person arrives prepared for these sessions. You will need to be prepared to present on 2 different passages.


The most important aspect of a Workshop is the time in Small Groups. As such, it is essential that each person arrives prepared for these sessions. You will need to be prepared to present on 2 different passages. We have created a guide for helping you get started.



LACINE Jeff Lacine Lead Pastor, Sellwood Church

Jeff Lacine

Lead Pastor, Sellwood Church

Jeff serves as the lead pastor of Sellwood Church in Portland, Oregon. Jeff earned an MDiv and ThM from Bethlehem College & Seminary and is currently pursuing a DMin in Expositional Preaching at Western Seminary. He has authored various articles 9Marks and Desiring God, including 4 Reasons You Should Preach through Job, 11 Reasons For A Weekly Service Review—And 4 Cautions Once You StartHow to Critique Sermons: A List of Diagnostic Questionsand Pursue Wandering Sheep.

MWANZA Chopo Mwanza Pastor, Faith Baptist Church Riverside

Chopo Mwanza

Pastor, Faith Baptist Church Riverside
Chopo Mwanza serves as Pastor at Faith Baptist Church Riverside, in Kitwe, Zambia. He is also a faculty member at Central Africa Baptist University. He writes for
TAMFU Dieudonne Tamfu Pastor, Église Baptiste Bethléem

Dieudonne Tamfu

Pastor, Église Baptiste Bethléem

Dieudonne Tamfu pastors Église Baptiste Bethléem and serves as an Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology, and Coordinator of the Cameroon Extension Site for Bethlehem College & Seminary.

Église Baptiste Bethléem

8:15am-4:30pm, Tuesday, June 18
8:15am-4:30pm, Wednesday, June 19
8:15am-12:15pm, Thursday, June 20

Small Group Passages

Participants will each be assigned two of the following passages:

Amos 1:1 – 2:3 Amos 5:1-17
Amos 2:4-16 Amos 5:18-27
Amos 4:1-5 Amos 7:1 – 8:3
Amos 4:6-13 Amos 9:1-10

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