
You will find on this page our official translations of our Workshop documents (which will help you in hosting and running a Workshop). If you have translations of documents which are not listed below, better than what are listed below, or in languages not listed below, please send them to our Director of Ministries, Robert S. Kinney. Please send them as editable document (Word, InDesign, etc.) so that he can conform them to proper CST style.

Master Checklist pdf [173kb]
Promotional Strategies docx [44kb]
Sample Invitation Letter docx [17kb]
Registration Tracking Template xlsx [14kb]
SG Text Assignment Guidelines pdf [199kb]
SG Text Assignment Template xlsx [21kb]
Sample Participant Letter docx [19kb]
Feedback Form pdf [118kb]
SG Preparation Worksheet docx [42kb]
SG Preparation Guide pdf [162kb]
SG Leader Selection Guidelines pdf [96kb]
Workshop Schedule Template docx [43kb]
Pre-Workshop Schedule Template docx [41kb]
SG Schedule Card pdf [35kb]