Preachers Talk Episode 83: Preacher Mailbag #7Preachers Talk Episode 82: On Short Bible Talks2018 Annual ReportPreachers Talk Episode 81: On Preaching in Cross-Cultural ContextsStructureContextTitus 1:5-16ArrangmentTitus 3StructureStaying on the LineApplicationTitus 3:1-11ContextText and FrameworkStructureConnecting to the GospelArgumentHabakkuk 1:1-11Habakkuk 3:1-19
Book of the Bible

Featured Playlists

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Preaching Wisdom Literature

Wisdom literature uses word pictures to describe every day life. Part of the greatness of these books (most of which are presented in poetry) derives from their complexity, with highly stylized structures and abundant usage of imagery and symbolism, which add multiple layers of meaning beyond just plain text.