2018 Annual ReportPreachers Talk Episode 81: On Preaching in Cross-Cultural ContextsStructureContextTitus 1:5-16ArrangmentTitus 3StructureStaying on the LineApplicationTitus 3:1-11ContextText and FrameworkStructureConnecting to the GospelArgumentHabakkuk 1:1-11Habakkuk 3:1-19The Power of ApplicationText and Framework
Book of the Bible

Featured Playlists

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On Preaching

Resources that consider aspects of the act of preaching.
1The Symbol and Significance of PreachingMark Dever
2Exposition as a Mark of the ChurchMark Dever
4An Apology for Biblical ExpositionBryan Chapell
5Dis-expositionR. Kent Hughes
7Preaching to PagansDick Lucas
9Concerning PreachingWilliam J.U. Philip
10The Ministry of the Word Is an “And”Stuart Olyott


Teaching the Bible well is more than merely getting the text right. We also need to get it across. In no aspect of preaching is this more important than in application. You must apply your message so that hearts are changed, not just minds.
5The Hands of a Christ-Centered MessageBryan Chapell
6The Heart of a Christ-Centered MessageBryan Chapell
7The Hope of a Christ-Centered MessageBryan Chapell
8Application Grid (9Marks)9Marks