2018 Annual ReportPreachers Talk Episode 81: On Preaching in Cross-Cultural ContextsStructureContextTitus 1:5-16ArrangmentTitus 3StructureStaying on the LineApplicationTitus 3:1-11ContextText and FrameworkStructureConnecting to the GospelArgumentHabakkuk 1:1-11Habakkuk 3:1-19The Power of ApplicationText and Framework
Book of the Bible

Featured Playlists

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Drawing on both Greco-Roman rhetorical theory and more modern homiletical considerations, these talks will equip participants to more persuasively present the message of a biblical text for the benefit of the hearers.

Preaching the Epistles

Letters are the most prevalent literary form in the New Testament. This genre makes up at least 20 of the 27 New Testament books. Given their prominence, it is not surprising that preaching from the Epistles is a regular part of many churches’ pulpit ministries. In order to preach the Epistles well, it is essential that we have an understanding of the genre and its unique literary conventions and structures.